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Radio Engineers' Handbook, by Frederick Emmons Terman
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Author Frederick Emmons Terman, Sc.d. Leatherbound Radio Engineer's Handbook.
- Sales Rank: #1563649 in Books
- Published on: 1943
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- 1019 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A great book!
By Robert W. Johnson
This is a classic book, and even though it deals with tube circuits, it also has much more information on circuits not dependent on tubes, such as crossover networks for speakers, and hi-pass and low-pass frequency filters. There are equations that describe the resistance that is "reflected" back into a primary circuit from a resistance in the secondary circuit. I never saw this anywhere else. And, anyone who is working with vacuum tube circuits such as hi-fi amplifiers, which have come back into vogue, will find information here that is hard to find elsewhere.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Electronics/Radio Reference book
By James Alexander
Good reference book. The old electrical physical laws do not change. The mathematics remain the same. Good tables and graphs of physical properties.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Scott Kemler
very old school, but I know many people who still use this book!
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