Tuesday, 15 October 2013

[M772.Ebook] Download PDF Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

Download PDF Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

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Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

Download PDF Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

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Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary

Property Valuation Principles is a user-friendly introduction to property valuation for students and practitioners who are new to the subject. Packed with worked examples and photos, the text covers the five main methods of valuation, their application in a variety of markets and their relation to the wider economic context. The second edition features:

? Discussion on the impact of sustainability on valuation.
? Photographs to illustrate different property characteristics and settings.
? Even more worked examples, including buy-to-let residential properties and affordable housing.

  • Sales Rank: #4199316 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-01-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.20" h x .0" w x 6.10" l, .82 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 248 pages

'Good coverage of the key first year concepts with some coverage of level 2. A solid introduction to basic valuations.' - Steve Galliford, Associate Head and Principal Lecturer, University of West England, UK

From the Back Cover
Property Valuation Principles is a user-friendly introduction to property valuation for students and practitioners who are new to the subject. Packed with worked examples and photos, the text covers the five main methods of valuation, their application in a variety of markets and their relation to the wider economic context. The second edition features:

? Discussion on the impact of sustainability on valuation.
? Photographs to illustrate different property characteristics and settings.
? Even more worked examples, including buy-to-let residential properties and affordable housing.

About the Author
DAVID ISAAC Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Builder who came from a background in economics and business studies into the property profession. He has some twenty years of experience in property development, finance and valuation and has project-managed a number of development schemes. For many years now he has been involved in property consultancy, education and research at the University of Greenwich, UK, where he is currently Professor of Real Estate Management, Head of Property and Land Management and Director of Research in the School of Architecture and Construction.
JOHN O'LEARY Lecturer at the University of Greenwich School of Architecture and Construction, UK. He is a Chartered Surveyor and worked as a planning consultant for architectural practices prior to becoming a lecturer.

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Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary PDF

Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary PDF

Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary PDF
Property Valuation Principles, by David Isaac, John O'Leary PDF

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